
Premium dog food: From Ashburton to Asia

Premium dog food: From Ashburton to Asia

A dog-loving couple has created a grain-free pet food that’s being scoffed down across the country and heading to shelves in Asia. Based in Ashburton, Jeremy and Mary Stewart are...

Premium dog food: From Ashburton to Asia

A dog-loving couple has created a grain-free pet food that’s being scoffed down across the country and heading to shelves in Asia. Based in Ashburton, Jeremy and Mary Stewart are...

Winning recipe for man’s best friend

Winning recipe for man’s best friend

An Ashburton couple is passionate about dogs and are keen to feed them the best food possible to lengthen their tail-wagging time on earth. Carly Gooch reports.

Winning recipe for man’s best friend

An Ashburton couple is passionate about dogs and are keen to feed them the best food possible to lengthen their tail-wagging time on earth. Carly Gooch reports.

Pawsitive move for locals

Pawsitive move for locals

Local pet food entrepreneurs Jeremy and Mary Stewart hope their new 100% local dog food will disrupt the New Zealand dog kibble market - and then, perhaps, the world.

Pawsitive move for locals

Local pet food entrepreneurs Jeremy and Mary Stewart hope their new 100% local dog food will disrupt the New Zealand dog kibble market - and then, perhaps, the world.

The new hub for premium dry pet food

The new hub for premium dry pet food

Boasting an abundance of grass-fed red meat and cage free poultry New Zealand (NZ) is a mecca for super premium petfood production. The country has long held a reputation for...

The new hub for premium dry pet food

Boasting an abundance of grass-fed red meat and cage free poultry New Zealand (NZ) is a mecca for super premium petfood production. The country has long held a reputation for...